Many of us are confined to our homes with Lockdown BUT we can still do much to improve our health and wellbeing at the same time providing additional protection against the current outbreak and some of its symptoms.

Essential Oils may become even more ‘essential’ in our homes

Our major ‘respiratory’ essential oils come from eucalyptus (the finest of the respiratory herbal essential oils), pine. thyme, hyssop, tea-tree and terebinth.

Here are some beneficial anti viral blends that not only fill the air with their lovely fragrance but provide a method of administering ‘medicine’.



The term anti-viral refers to a substance that is able to inhibit or stop the development, replication or function of an infection-causing virus.

Constituents of E/O that have anti viral properties include Monoterpenes,

Most of these tend to inhibit the accumulation of toxins and help discharge existing toxins from the liver and kidneys. They generally have a stimulating effect and can very soothing to irritated tissues. Most citrus oils (not bergamot) and conifer oils have a high proportion of terpenes.

Alcohols are also anti viral, somewhat stimulating and help increase blood circulation.   Monoterpene alcohols (Monoterpenols) are known for their ability to stimulate the immune system , work as diuretics and act as a general tonic. Linalool is an example of a Monoterpene alcohol and is found in rosewood, bergamot, coriander, rose, jasmine and lavender E/Os. Linalool has anti bacterial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti viral and sedative properties.


Anti viral oils with many other health benefits:

Orange – antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, antidepressant – effective against colds or flu’

Clove Bud – antibacterial, antifungal, ant infectious, anti parasitical, antiviral, immune stimulant – influences healing, creates feeling of confidence.

Cinnamon Bark – a powerful purifier, oxygenator and enhances the actions of other oils. Antiviral

Eucalyptus – antiviral effect upon the respiratory system




Application Methods:

Nebulising diffuser.

This is a cool-air diffuser using room temperature to break the oils into a very fine mist that is then dispersed into the air.

Simple yet effective.  Put oil on a cotton ball, attach it to a ceiling fan or air vent. This also works in your car.

If you are using them topically for your family try them on the soles of the feet first in case of sensitivity. Do not apply topically or orally to your pets.