Call us 027 448 3322
Real Stories
ZENA – Lymphoma
9 y.o. female Speyed at 5 y.o. Has had two litters. 1st seen February 2018. H/o hotspots. Biopsy of Right prescapular lymph node. – dx lymphoma. Male dogs always interested in her despite spey. H/o uti’s. – regular antibiotics. Zena was given a combination of homeopathics and herbal preps.
The homoepathics included Ceanothus, Phosphorus, Scroph-n, and Baryta –i. and her herbs included cleavers and several anti-cancer herbs. At the beginning of April Zena began to tire so the potencies of the homeopathics were changed and Berberis was added for her possible urinary tract infection recurring, plus the herbs Withania and Nettles for extra support. Zenas’ diet now included vegetables as she seemed to have an on-going constipation problem. Lymph nodes marginally up, on one prednisone daily, a happy girl.
Zena went downhill very quickly and was buried at home in November.
As a footnote, I note that pets treated with natural medicines do have a good quality of life rather than lingering in the betwixt and between for months. When they are ready to depart, they do so promptly, with dignity. Owner’s comments ”Zena struggled hard for a couple od days before she died a few months shy of 10 years, a very good age for bullmastiffs”.
MEMPHIS – Mast Cell Tumour
He is Zena’s son, 7 years old and weighs a muscular 80kg. Memphis presented in March 2020 as recently diagnosed with a Mast Cell Tumor which was surgically removed.
Aims of treatment plan:
Owner’s comments: “And Memphis after the extensive surgery that your treatments helped massively with his recovery”
GING – Ginger cat
A London cat with an on-going skin itch with small scabby spots. Ging is a bit of a nervous type,. No sign of fleas, rubbing coconut oil into his spots. Drinking a bit more than usual but is on dry food.
My reply…”Is it possible to get the poor cat off the dried food. Combining dry and wet food is never a good idea as the stomach has to process an entirely different type of food and this does cause problems, especially with skin and endocrine systems ,which are where the problems lie. There would be nothing wrong with giving a little fish, chicken, rabbit etc with a 1/2 tsp of baby food veges which you can buy in the supermarket. It’s an internal condition he has so anything rubbed isn’t going to help long-term.
There is an element of stress as the neighbours’ cat is a terror and tries to beat him up.
Don’t need chemical flea control, surely there must be a more natural one on the market there. They are highly toxic and bend their mind with the neurotoxins in them. If he can have a more healthy diet and I can send you some ‘back to normal’ meds for him.
It took 5 weeks for meds to get to London post Covid lockdown but got through Customs thank goodness. In the meantime the neighbours’ cat was run over, the Owner has changed diet, stopped the chemical flea and wormer and, going into an English winter, Ging should be great to face the next spring. !
Rowan – Rottweiler
BENSON – Dachshund
Benson first came to see me at 8 years of age. He had a scurfy coat, red excoriated anus and a little overweight. His diet was altered and he was commenced on Essential Fatty Acids.
Initially he was given herbs in a comprehensive herbal prep. This was to be followed by Ars. alb 6c homeopathically. Two months later he had a discharge from his penis and he was definitely looking unhappy. He was given a urinary/prostatic herbal and homeopathic combination. Benson was recommended to see the vet. An ultra sound revealed an abnormal mass around the urethra. His prescription was then changed to include some anti carcinogenic herbs including mistletoe and commenced on the Essiac formula. A further lab report at 10.5 years of age determined a well-differentiated tumour. The penile discharge was always worse on exercise (capillary fragility?) so we started him on a glucosamine preparation whilst addressing the issue of his progressive weakness. Although Benson continued to do well, he experienced a sudden downturn in health involving the urethral constriction. I changed his herbal formula to include some anti-spasmodics along with Saw Palmetto and Thiosinium. Benson now required catheterisation every day. I suggested we use the Bioptron Light on his prostate and urethral area. After explaining what I thought the light could do for him we started treatment every day. He could now urinate but just a few drips. After three weeks he only needed to be catherised every week. After one month he was going by himself.
He gained a new lease of life and became more lively than for many a year; in fact he even went for a swim in the sea, something he had never done in his entire life! He passed away peacefully at 16 years but not before he had enjoyed a quality of life fit for a healthy Dachy, thanks to complimentary therapies and the Bioptron Light.
COSMO – Papillion
Cosmo was discharged from a veterinary specialist center following a bout of gastroenteritis. An enema had produced pieces of rubber (?) and a further abdominal ultrasound did not reveal any more. He was treated with i.v. fluids, analgesia and anti nausea medication and recommended a Prescription Gastrointestinal diet. Cosmo refused to eat. Cosmo’s diarrhea continued following discharge, with straining and passing frequent small reddish watery stools. Owner was concerned about the health of his gut after days of straining, vomiting and diarrhea. Cosmo was given herbs for his digestion, diarrhea and liver, some Slippery Elm to help soothe and heal the gut lining and a combination of homeopathics.
His diet: recommended raw green tripe and pumpkin for 3 days with a little added cottage cheese when settled. He was fed 3 hrly in small amounts. Three days later a little stewed apple and carrot was added and the slippery Elm was continued . Cosmo now had difficulty toileting as he had perianal hernias and these were irritated by the previous straining. Recommended to add prunes and the stools normalized overnight. Green vegetables were now added to his diet and he was given a herbal/homeopathic wormer and probiotics. It was noted at the Veterinary Centre that Cosmo also had small stones in the bladder and kidneys. Although not considered a problem, it was viewed as a wise precaution to treat these before they became a problem, especially as Cosmo was a little male. Herbs included Stone and Gravel root and Hydrangea.
His homeopathics included Berberis, Lycopodium and Calc renalis. The slippery elm continued on a reduced dosage to minimize any irritation caused by the stones to the membrane lining of the bladder and kidney. The perianal hernias were thought to be a breeding problem and reconstructive surgery was to be scheduled early 2021. In the meantime, Cosmos’ homeopathics were altered slightly and he was commenced on a twice – daily treatment plan with the Bioptron Light. This Swiss medical appliance produces linear polarized light, which enhances the body’s own regeneration and healing potential. Since successfully using it on prostate cancer in an old dog, it was thought worthwhile to trial its use on the hernias.
KURI – Std.Schnauzer
8 months old Kuri lives in Hollywood, USA. It was recommended that she be speyed at 6 months despite the misgivings of her two very caring owners.
Unfortunately, Kuri became incontinent of urine shortly after the operation. She was recently also de-wormed and had a lot of worms. Owners didn’t realize they had to do this regularly as a puppy and she visits a doggy park daily. She was also given a chemical flea and tick treatment.
Her diet was a combination of kibble, K9 Natural, chicken treats, blueberries, full-fat Greek yoghurt, peanut butter specifically for dogs and a huge range of multivites and supplements. Kuri only pees when sleeping, but she wakes with a fright when she does a puddle.
She was taken to another vet (one who ‘specialises’ in incontinence and given Incurin). Her owner wanted a more natural method of treatment so an herbal preparation and homeopathic combination were made up for her and her diet was tweaked and most of the ‘supplements’ reduced or deleted. It was recommended she have a daily dose of Essential Fatty Acids to assist in her hormonal controls. Her owner was making a brief visit to NZ in between the Covid lockdowns so we organized meds to go back with him, mainly due to the uncertainty of the Californian Customs during the USA Covid crises.
Kuri is now managing very well.
Minka – Jack Russell
Feb 2015: Owner adopted her at 18 months of age. Five days ago Minka collapsed on the lawn. X Rays and bloods revealed a large mass on her liver. Euthanasia was recommended. Minka’s owner wanted her husband to see her before putting her to sleep so she took her home – and changed her mind.
On Consultation: Minka was on dry food although she had little thirst. She strained a little during stool, passing small amounts at a time. Her urine habits were normal. There was trembling in her hindquarters. She was a little overweight, even with the multiple lipomas and distended abdomen where the liver mass protruded. Minka was a loveable, good natured dog although reluctant to move too much and her energy levels were low.
Priorities: Reduce mass to repair liver and alleviate mass discomfort. Provide good nutrition to allow the body to help itself.
Provide drainage of toxins and wastes Promote stool normality. A selection of herbs and homeopathics were chosen for her particular condition plus some Slippery Elm for her gut function. We changed the diet to tripe and rabbit & hare with vegetables.
7 Days Later: Minka’s eyes were clearer, stools better formed although still followed by a soft stool. No Straining. No further distention of abdomen. Enjoying her food. Her energy levels were on the rise.
March 2015: Stools normal. Still trembling in the hindquarters so added homeopathic Conium to her prescription and changed her dose regime. Waistline beginning to appear! Owner taking her for little walks outside in the sunshine.
Early April 2015: Lipomas softening, New symptom – trembling when sitting. Owner needs to watch her weight as gaining a little. Altered herb prep to include Withania and extra nutritive herbs. Repeat homeopathic prescription.
Late April 2015: Like a little bullet, racing around.
May 2015: Going for 1/2hrly walks twice a day, enjoying her car rides. Owner shifted in to new house, Minka is enjoying the change. Continued on herbs, homeopathics and slippery elm.
Early June 2015: Minka has a little ‘turn’ and is subdued and off her food. Given homeopathic emergency support and next day back to normal. Suggest reduce walking distance and encourage a little more rest (which is hard for a Jack Russell in the winter sunshine!).
Minka recovered well and died peacefully at the age of 16.5 years.
Max – Poodle
We had a little Yorkie named Rosie who mothered our poodle Max.
When she passed away in February 2013 Max was at a loss; he became aggressive to other dogs and was very scared.
Sandy put him on some medication and over time he became his old self; he is now friendly and even plays with other dogs. Finally he has his lovely soft nature back.
We are so pleased we went to Sandy at the Animal Health Centre and will continue to get any help that is needed from her in the future.
From the Goodchilds
Call us 027 448 3322
Real Stories
ZENA – Lymphoma
9 y.o. female Speyed at 5 y.o. Has had two litters. 1st seen February 2018. H/o hotspots. Biopsy of Right prescapular lymph node. – dx lymphoma. Male dogs always interested in her despite spey. H/o uti’s. – regular antibiotics. Zena was given a combination of homeopathics and herbal preps.
The homoepathics included Ceanothus, Phosphorus, Scroph-n, and Baryta –i. and her herbs included cleavers and several anti-cancer herbs. At the beginning of April Zena began to tire so the potencies of the homeopathics were changed and Berberis was added for her possible urinary tract infection recurring, plus the herbs Withania and Nettles for extra support. Zenas’ diet now included vegetables as she seemed to have an on-going constipation problem. Lymph nodes marginally up, on one prednisone daily, a happy girl.
Zena went downhill very quickly and was buried at home in November.
As a footnote, I note that pets treated with natural medicines do have a good quality of life rather than lingering in the betwixt and between for months. When they are ready to depart, they do so promptly, with dignity. Owner’s comments ”Zena struggled hard for a couple od days before she died a few months shy of 10 years, a very good age for bullmastiffs”.
MEMPHIS – Mast Cell Tumour
He is Zena’s son, 7 years old and weighs a muscular 80kg. Memphis presented in March 2020 as recently diagnosed with a Mast Cell Tumor which was surgically removed.
Aims of treatment plan:
Owner’s comments: “And Memphis after the extensive surgery that your treatments helped massively with his recovery”
GING – Ginger cat
A London cat with an on-going skin itch with small scabby spots. Ging is a bit of a nervous type,. No sign of fleas, rubbing coconut oil into his spots. Drinking a bit more than usual but is on dry food.
My reply…”Is it possible to get the poor cat off the dried food. Combining dry and wet food is never a good idea as the stomach has to process an entirely different type of food and this does cause problems, especially with skin and endocrine systems ,which are where the problems lie. There would be nothing wrong with giving a little fish, chicken, rabbit etc with a 1/2 tsp of baby food veges which you can buy in the supermarket. It’s an internal condition he has so anything rubbed isn’t going to help long-term.
There is an element of stress as the neighbours’ cat is a terror and tries to beat him up.
Don’t need chemical flea control, surely there must be a more natural one on the market there. They are highly toxic and bend their mind with the neurotoxins in them. If he can have a more healthy diet and I can send you some ‘back to normal’ meds for him.
It took 5 weeks for meds to get to London post Covid lockdown but got through Customs thank goodness. In the meantime the neighbours’ cat was run over, the Owner has changed diet, stopped the chemical flea and wormer and, going into an English winter, Ging should be great to face the next spring. !
Rowan – Rottweiler
BENSON – Dachshund
Benson first came to see me at 8 years of age. He had a scurfy coat, red excoriated anus and a little overweight. His diet was altered and he was commenced on Essential Fatty Acids.
Initially he was given herbs in a comprehensive herbal prep. This was to be followed by Ars. alb 6c homeopathically. Two months later he had a discharge from his penis and he was definitely looking unhappy. He was given a urinary/prostatic herbal and homeopathic combination. Benson was recommended to see the vet. An ultra sound revealed an abnormal mass around the urethra. His prescription was then changed to include some anti carcinogenic herbs including mistletoe and commenced on the Essiac formula. A further lab report at 10.5 years of age determined a well-differentiated tumour. The penile discharge was always worse on exercise (capillary fragility?) so we started him on a glucosamine preparation whilst addressing the issue of his progressive weakness. Although Benson continued to do well, he experienced a sudden downturn in health involving the urethral constriction. I changed his herbal formula to include some anti-spasmodics along with Saw Palmetto and Thiosinium. Benson now required catheterisation every day. I suggested we use the Bioptron Light on his prostate and urethral area. After explaining what I thought the light could do for him we started treatment every day. He could now urinate but just a few drips. After three weeks he only needed to be catherised every week. After one month he was going by himself.
He gained a new lease of life and became more lively than for many a year; in fact he even went for a swim in the sea, something he had never done in his entire life! He passed away peacefully at 16 years but not before he had enjoyed a quality of life fit for a healthy Dachy, thanks to complimentary therapies and the Bioptron Light.
COSMO – Papillion
Cosmo was discharged from a veterinary specialist center following a bout of gastroenteritis. An enema had produced pieces of rubber (?) and a further abdominal ultrasound did not reveal any more. He was treated with i.v. fluids, analgesia and anti nausea medication and recommended a Prescription Gastrointestinal diet. Cosmo refused to eat. Cosmo’s diarrhea continued following discharge, with straining and passing frequent small reddish watery stools. Owner was concerned about the health of his gut after days of straining, vomiting and diarrhea. Cosmo was given herbs for his digestion, diarrhea and liver, some Slippery Elm to help soothe and heal the gut lining and a combination of homeopathics.
His diet: recommended raw green tripe and pumpkin for 3 days with a little added cottage cheese when settled. He was fed 3 hrly in small amounts. Three days later a little stewed apple and carrot was added and the slippery Elm was continued . Cosmo now had difficulty toileting as he had perianal hernias and these were irritated by the previous straining. Recommended to add prunes and the stools normalized overnight. Green vegetables were now added to his diet and he was given a herbal/homeopathic wormer and probiotics. It was noted at the Veterinary Centre that Cosmo also had small stones in the bladder and kidneys. Although not considered a problem, it was viewed as a wise precaution to treat these before they became a problem, especially as Cosmo was a little male. Herbs included Stone and Gravel root and Hydrangea.
His homeopathics included Berberis, Lycopodium and Calc renalis. The slippery elm continued on a reduced dosage to minimize any irritation caused by the stones to the membrane lining of the bladder and kidney. The perianal hernias were thought to be a breeding problem and reconstructive surgery was to be scheduled early 2021. In the meantime, Cosmos’ homeopathics were altered slightly and he was commenced on a twice – daily treatment plan with the Bioptron Light. This Swiss medical appliance produces linear polarized light, which enhances the body’s own regeneration and healing potential. Since successfully using it on prostate cancer in an old dog, it was thought worthwhile to trial its use on the hernias.
KURI – Std.Schnauzer
8 months old Kuri lives in Hollywood, USA. It was recommended that she be speyed at 6 months despite the misgivings of her two very caring owners.
Unfortunately, Kuri became incontinent of urine shortly after the operation. She was recently also de-wormed and had a lot of worms. Owners didn’t realize they had to do this regularly as a puppy and she visits a doggy park daily. She was also given a chemical flea and tick treatment.
Her diet was a combination of kibble, K9 Natural, chicken treats, blueberries, full-fat Greek yoghurt, peanut butter specifically for dogs and a huge range of multivites and supplements. Kuri only pees when sleeping, but she wakes with a fright when she does a puddle.
She was taken to another vet (one who ‘specialises’ in incontinence and given Incurin). Her owner wanted a more natural method of treatment so an herbal preparation and homeopathic combination were made up for her and her diet was tweaked and most of the ‘supplements’ reduced or deleted. It was recommended she have a daily dose of Essential Fatty Acids to assist in her hormonal controls. Her owner was making a brief visit to NZ in between the Covid lockdowns so we organized meds to go back with him, mainly due to the uncertainty of the Californian Customs during the USA Covid crises.
Kuri is now managing very well.
Minka – Jack Russell
Feb 2015: Owner adopted her at 18 months of age. Five days ago Minka collapsed on the lawn. X Rays and bloods revealed a large mass on her liver. Euthanasia was recommended. Minka’s owner wanted her husband to see her before putting her to sleep so she took her home – and changed her mind.
On Consultation: Minka was on dry food although she had little thirst. She strained a little during stool, passing small amounts at a time. Her urine habits were normal. There was trembling in her hindquarters. She was a little overweight, even with the multiple lipomas and distended abdomen where the liver mass protruded. Minka was a loveable, good natured dog although reluctant to move too much and her energy levels were low.
Priorities: Reduce mass to repair liver and alleviate mass discomfort. Provide good nutrition to allow the body to help itself.
Provide drainage of toxins and wastes Promote stool normality. A selection of herbs and homeopathics were chosen for her particular condition plus some Slippery Elm for her gut function. We changed the diet to tripe and rabbit & hare with vegetables.
7 Days Later: Minka’s eyes were clearer, stools better formed although still followed by a soft stool. No Straining. No further distention of abdomen. Enjoying her food. Her energy levels were on the rise.
March 2015: Stools normal. Still trembling in the hindquarters so added homeopathic Conium to her prescription and changed her dose regime. Waistline beginning to appear! Owner taking her for little walks outside in the sunshine.
Early April 2015: Lipomas softening, New symptom – trembling when sitting. Owner needs to watch her weight as gaining a little. Altered herb prep to include Withania and extra nutritive herbs. Repeat homeopathic prescription.
Late April 2015: Like a little bullet, racing around.
May 2015: Going for 1/2hrly walks twice a day, enjoying her car rides. Owner shifted in to new house, Minka is enjoying the change. Continued on herbs, homeopathics and slippery elm.
Early June 2015: Minka has a little ‘turn’ and is subdued and off her food. Given homeopathic emergency support and next day back to normal. Suggest reduce walking distance and encourage a little more rest (which is hard for a Jack Russell in the winter sunshine!).
Minka recovered well and died peacefully at the age of 16.5 years.
Max – Poodle
We had a little Yorkie named Rosie who mothered our poodle Max.
When she passed away in February 2013 Max was at a loss; he became aggressive to other dogs and was very scared.
Sandy put him on some medication and over time he became his old self; he is now friendly and even plays with other dogs. Finally he has his lovely soft nature back.
We are so pleased we went to Sandy at the Animal Health Centre and will continue to get any help that is needed from her in the future.
From the Goodchilds
About Sarndra Urwin
Sarndra has been in practice for over 50 years, founding the New Zealand Holistic Animal Therapists Association and developing a Diploma course in Natural Animal Health. She is a well-known writer on natural animal health issues, publishing the ‘Desktop Guide to Flower Essences for Animals’, and was a popular feature on Magic National Radio Talkback Sunday Cafe.
Contact Information
Clinic & Dispensary
Animal Natural Health Centre
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