Bioptron Light

This is a Swiss Medical Instrument using polarized light to treat a wide range of medical applications by stimulating blood circulation and tissue regeneration, while also reducing inflammation. Pets easily accept the therapy as it is non-invasive.

The success of light therapy on pain and function may be due to a number of mechanisms; one of this may be through its positive effect on chondrocyte proliferation and matrix’s synthesis and enhanced connective tissue repair.

Use twice daily on post cruciate repairs demonstrated rapid wound healing, a more responsive use of the limb and less pain relief required.

These effects may be related to bio-stimulative effect of the light therapy at the cellular level and a resultant more rapid micro circulation and enhanced nerve transmission.

Successful uses have been on burns, wounds that failed to heal, contributing to the healing process of nasal carcinoma in cats and lupus in dogs, some cancers also demonstrating  positive effects in the treatment of pododermatitis.

Although Light Therapy has been used to speed up post operative soft tissue repair it has been demonstrated to also relieve chronic pain and increase mobility in hip dysplasia, panosteitis, OCD and  trauma injuries to the muscular skeletal system.

Success Stories – Meet Benson

Benson first came to see me at 8 years of age. He had a scurfy coat, red excoriated anus and a little overweight. His diet was altered and he was commenced on Essential Fatty Acids.

Initially he was given herbs in a comprehensive herbal prep. This was to be followed by Ars. alb 6c homeopathically. Two months later he had a discharge from his penis and he was definitely looking unhappy. He was given a urinary/prostatic herbal and homeopathic combination. Benson was recommended to see the vet. An ultra sound revealed an abnormal mass around the urethra. His prescription was  then changed to include some anti carcinogenic herbs including mistletoe and commenced on the Essiac formula.

“The word ‘light’ is so important that it already brings something good about it.”


Bioptron Light

This is a Swiss Medical Instrument using polarized light to treat a wide range of medical applications by stimulating blood circulation and tissue regeneration, while also reducing inflammation. Pets easily accept the therapy as it is non-invasive.

The success of light therapy on pain and function may be due to a number of mechanisms; one of this may be through its positive effect on chondrocyte proliferation and matrix’s synthesis and enhanced connective tissue repair.

Use twice daily on post cruciate repairs demonstrated rapid wound healing, a more responsive use of the limb and less pain relief required.

These effects may be related to bio-stimulative effect of the light therapy at the cellular level and a resultant more rapid micro circulation and enhanced nerve transmission.

Successful uses have been on burns, wounds that failed to heal, contributing to the healing process of nasal carcinoma in cats and lupus in dogs, some cancers also demonstrating  positive effects in the treatment of pododermatitis.

Although Light Therapy has been used to speed up post operative soft tissue repair it has been demonstrated to also relieve chronic pain and increase mobility in hip dysplasia, panosteitis, OCD and  trauma injuries to the muscular skeletal system.

Success Stories – Meet Benson

Benson first came to see me at 8 years of age. He had a scurfy coat, red excoriated anus and a little overweight. His diet was altered and he was commenced on Essential Fatty Acids.

Initially he was given herbs in a comprehensive herbal prep. This was to be followed by Ars. alb 6c homeopathically. Two months later he had a discharge from his penis and he was definitely looking unhappy. He was given a urinary/prostatic herbal and homeopathic combination. Benson was recommended to see the vet. An ultra sound revealed an abnormal mass around the urethra. His prescription was  then changed to include some anti carcinogenic herbs including mistletoe and commenced on the Essiac formula.

“The word ‘light’ is so important that it already brings something good about it.”